became a main grasp in my life.

Being one of those INFJ's in the world. Sensing loneliness around me mostly always.

Speaking with people is hard, mainly because of the fact that I am sixthousand steps ahead, seeing so clearly. And trying to find the act of heart in their words. Or in their acts.

ADHD does not make it easier. I am full of courage, following my own heart. Constantly debating with my own motives, feelings.

Yes, and sorry for typos. Sometimes I do not see them, sometimes I do not care.


left me I sensed a tiny amount of bitterness. Like hair stuck in throat.

Making me gag.


hugged and you said we will survive everything.
That was not true.

We did not survive you.


you to come. Come with strenght and bride. Come unexpectedly.
Come with a white horse.


I call for you god and goddess. I have been away too long. I did not abandon my kind nor my power. I let others put me down, humiliate me. And longer it got, weaker I came. 

I want to find myself again. Gain what is mine. What belongs to me. 

I am lost. With worst kind of people ever. I call you let me stay with you, let me rest.