became a main grasp in my life.

Being one of those INFJ's in the world. Sensing loneliness around me mostly always.

Speaking with people is hard, mainly because of the fact that I am sixthousand steps ahead, seeing so clearly. And trying to find the act of heart in their words. Or in their acts.

ADHD does not make it easier. I am full of courage, following my own heart. Constantly debating with my own motives, feelings.

Yes, and sorry for typos. Sometimes I do not see them, sometimes I do not care.


people get so angry that they see what you meant after year or two.

As often they dont even notice that little act they changed in themseves after you left a burnmark in their heart. It is a tiny chill or hickup of irrational and fades away quicly.

If you are a healer you hurt people. But most of all you hurt yourself. And then you have to heal yourself and everything starts allover again.

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