became a main grasp in my life.

Being one of those INFJ's in the world. Sensing loneliness around me mostly always.

Speaking with people is hard, mainly because of the fact that I am sixthousand steps ahead, seeing so clearly. And trying to find the act of heart in their words. Or in their acts.

ADHD does not make it easier. I am full of courage, following my own heart. Constantly debating with my own motives, feelings.

Yes, and sorry for typos. Sometimes I do not see them, sometimes I do not care.


betray me. Do not speak evil. Do not bring your poisonous life near me.

I will silent you with rage you have never seen.

It will be most silent and most devastating thing in your life.
And will change it permanently.


say that I live in an imaginary world.

I say nothing and watch them crawl in a swamp of fears, rumours, false expectations,
hugely wrong interpretations provided by themselves in their lives
too small and minds too hollow.

And I laugh silently. And feel grateful to be me.